I took about 20 snowflake pictures total. Several looked good, but this is the one that my daughter liked the best. Only one melted while I was taking it. It was cold enough today that they weren't melting fast even though I was right on top of them!
Tara--I forgot to mention the lens cap in the post. It was the only way he would stay by the chair and not belly-flop to me.
Stephanie and Laurel--I didn't know they looked like that either until recently. To take the picture, I just walked out to the lid of my garbage can with my macro lens and got as close as I could to the snowflakes. You really need a crazy-flexible tripod to get great pictures of snowflakes. This was just me and my camera leaning over my garbage can lid taking pictures.
What a happy baby and great shot of the snowflake! How many pictures did you have to take before you got the snowflake prior to melting?
I took about 20 snowflake pictures total. Several looked good, but this is the one that my daughter liked the best. Only one melted while I was taking it. It was cold enough today that they weren't melting fast even though I was right on top of them!
Love that baby!! And love how he has the lens cap in his hands!! Too funny!
Incredible snowflake photo. I really had no idea they could look like that.
That is one handsome boy! This is one of my most favoritest pictures of him! What a cutie.
How did you take a picture of a SNOWFLAKE? That is amazing.
Tara--I forgot to mention the lens cap in the post. It was the only way he would stay by the chair and not belly-flop to me.
Stephanie and Laurel--I didn't know they looked like that either until recently. To take the picture, I just walked out to the lid of my garbage can with my macro lens and got as close as I could to the snowflakes. You really need a crazy-flexible tripod to get great pictures of snowflakes. This was just me and my camera leaning over my garbage can lid taking pictures.
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