My son is a happy baby as long as he has food, sleep, and isn't hurt. We get lots of smiles and happy looks and I love EVERY one.
However, what makes my heart sing just a little bit more are the moments of unbridled joy and laughter. A baby's joy is so pure and unchecked by any past experience and just oozes from them so naturally. It's contagious!!
I have looked through most of your photos and what strikes me the most is how sharp they are. I am struggling w/ this issue very much. Could it be that my camera is just worn out? I'm using a Canon Digital Rebel. It's about 6 years old and I've used it for thousands and thousands of shots. Now, if I get one shot out of 30 that's crisp then I feel lucky. I have a two year old grandson and try to capture the joy he display as he is discovering the world around him. Any ideas and suggestions would be appreciated.
Sharpness takes a lot of practice but should be attainable. There could be several factors contributing to non-sharp pictures. First--children (ESPECIALLY those under 5) are some of the hardest subjects to photograph and get in focus. They move SO quickly that you need to be in good light and have a fast shutter speed (1/250 or higher) to get sharp pictures. Even knowing this, I still get a higher number of out of focus pictures with my baby than with any other subject. Second, check your owners manual and really study up on how the auto focus system works. This has really helped me. I like the the single point auto focus setting on my camera. This means that I select the point manually (from set points in the viewfinder) where I want my camera to focus. It took practice to use but gives me the best results. My last suggestion would be to practice these things on an adult subject who will hold still for you. Be careful to hold the camera as steady as possible when shooting (I like one hand under the lens when shooting to steady the camera). If you don't notice an improved ratio of sharp images after some practice, then I would consider having some of the "hardware" checked out (i.e. camera body and lenses). Hope this helps a little.
Thanks for your ideas. I'll give them a try. Over the last 2 years the sharpness has declined in my pictures and I can't think of anything different I'm doing. Guess I may need a new camera. (Yeah!)
He is just the cutest and I love your comments about him, too! So true! I love babies!
I have looked through most of your photos and what strikes me the most is how sharp they are. I am struggling w/ this issue very much. Could it be that my camera is just worn out? I'm using a Canon Digital Rebel. It's about 6 years old and I've used it for thousands and thousands of shots. Now, if I get one shot out of 30 that's crisp then I feel lucky. I have a two year old grandson and try to capture the joy he display as he is discovering the world around him. Any ideas and suggestions would be appreciated.
Sharpness takes a lot of practice but should be attainable. There could be several factors contributing to non-sharp pictures. First--children (ESPECIALLY those under 5) are some of the hardest subjects to photograph and get in focus. They move SO quickly that you need to be in good light and have a fast shutter speed (1/250 or higher) to get sharp pictures. Even knowing this, I still get a higher number of out of focus pictures with my baby than with any other subject. Second, check your owners manual and really study up on how the auto focus system works. This has really helped me. I like the the single point auto focus setting on my camera. This means that I select the point manually (from set points in the viewfinder) where I want my camera to focus. It took practice to use but gives me the best results. My last suggestion would be to practice these things on an adult subject who will hold still for you. Be careful to hold the camera as steady as possible when shooting (I like one hand under the lens when shooting to steady the camera). If you don't notice an improved ratio of sharp images after some practice, then I would consider having some of the "hardware" checked out (i.e. camera body and lenses). Hope this helps a little.
Thanks for your ideas. I'll give them a try. Over the last 2 years the sharpness has declined in my pictures and I can't think of anything different I'm doing. Guess I may need a new camera. (Yeah!)
Adorable! He looks a lot like Megan.
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