It was really windy as I was taking these. I had my daughter turn into the wind to get the hair out of her face.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Field of Dreams
While we were in Park City a few weeks ago, I spotted this little clump of grass on a ledge over-looking Deer Valley. I knew just what to do with it the next afternoon. I was especially appreciating the beautiful fall background today since the ground and mountains are all dusted a frosty white from the first snowfall this season.

It was really windy as I was taking these. I had my daughter turn into the wind to get the hair out of her face.
It was really windy as I was taking these. I had my daughter turn into the wind to get the hair out of her face.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Park City Portraits
While in Park City for Fall Break, we met my sister and took some fall pictures for school. There was just enough color left to have some nice backgrounds. I won't even start on the view. Okay, I will, it was breathtaking! More on that later.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Out Amongst the Fall
Last weekend, during the kids' Fall Break (BTW, when is Mom's Fall Break?), we headed up to Park City for a few days to relax and enjoy the fall. The first night we were there, while the kids were watching an endless amount of Disney Channel on a VERY LARGE SCREEN TV (apparently it is better when bigger than 28"), I decided to walk outside with my camera. There was only about 30 minutes left of light, but it was that magical light right before sunset. All the leaves that were left were on fire. These are a few of my favorites.

My local Macey's grocery store is having a little "Colors of Fall" Photo Contest. I think I might enter one of these photos. Which one do you think I should enter?
My local Macey's grocery store is having a little "Colors of Fall" Photo Contest. I think I might enter one of these photos. Which one do you think I should enter?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Girl and Her Apple
I snapped these pictures the other day of my cousin's daughter after we finished picking apples. She was extremely excited about holding the apple and after we finished she did a great job of polishing off the apple (for a 1 year old.) I actually love that the apple is in these pictures. I certainly adds a little "fallness."

Sunday, October 18, 2009
We spent yesterday at my Grandma's house picking apples. It is an annual tradition for as many relations as can to gather and pick the apples from my Grandma's many apple trees. It has been a few years since we were able to go. It was a beautiful day to be up in the trees loading up buckets of apples. Here are the fruits of our labors!

And within the next few weeks, whatever apples have not been eaten by my fruit-loving children, will be made into homemade applesauce!!
And within the next few weeks, whatever apples have not been eaten by my fruit-loving children, will be made into homemade applesauce!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I Survived.........
the Swine Flu, that is. And since all the info I've read says it is horribly contagious, I am just waiting patiently for the rest of my family to get it. But while I am waiting, I thought I'd do what all good blogger's would do and blog about it.
When I first heard about the outbreak of Swine Flu (known in all "official documentation" from our school and on TV as H1N1) I immediately thought of other epidemics such as the black plague or polio. I thought of rats, and much sickness and suffering with long term effects. I was scared, actually TERRIFIED and PARANOID probably sum it up better. I consider myself a germ-o-phobe and hate being sick or having my family be sick. Slowly, over the last month, I started to hear of others in our neighborhood and school who had caught the swine flu. My paranoia escalated. I sent my kids to school with hand sanitizer in their pockets and instructions to use it frequently.
Then, 2 weeks ago, I started getting a sore throat. I had been around other kids with colds and figured I had caught their cold. Sure enough, that sore throat quickly developed into some serious nasal congestion that my usual squirt of nasal spray did nothing to help. So I did what any self respecting cold sufferer does--I broadcast my woes on twitter and facebook. Now all you that think nothing good comes of social networking need to know that this move actually resulted in some good advice about medications that might help and a recommendation for specific tissues that have now become my favorites (if you must know--Puffs plus Lotion with Vicks.)
Then I got a fever! I was wasted for 24 hours until my fever broke. Fortunately, it happened to fall on the weekend when I am supposed to lay around watching TV (a.k.a General Conference.) Once the fever broke, the nasal congestion and cough persisted (still have a little of this.) After having these symptoms for over a week and hearing of MANY more in our neighborhood with Swine Flu, I decided to look up what the symptoms of Swine Flu were. I compared them to the symptoms I had and proceeded to check off EVERY SINGLE ONE.
I've tried to be cautious and wash my hands. I haven't gone many places to spread the germs. However, I am now just waiting for my kids to get it. I am not paranoid any more. I am thinking that even if they do get it--we will survive this global pandemic. And unless their symptoms are totally different than mine, it will be better than the sickness my family endured at Bear Lake last year. Though, considering the amount of tissue I used, US tissue manufacturers may want to increase their production--especially if their product includes lotion and Vicks. Hey H1N1 might even be good for the economy :)!
Since a picture is in order--here is the line up of medications that helped me survive what I have now diagnosed as Swine Flu!
When I first heard about the outbreak of Swine Flu (known in all "official documentation" from our school and on TV as H1N1) I immediately thought of other epidemics such as the black plague or polio. I thought of rats, and much sickness and suffering with long term effects. I was scared, actually TERRIFIED and PARANOID probably sum it up better. I consider myself a germ-o-phobe and hate being sick or having my family be sick. Slowly, over the last month, I started to hear of others in our neighborhood and school who had caught the swine flu. My paranoia escalated. I sent my kids to school with hand sanitizer in their pockets and instructions to use it frequently.
Then, 2 weeks ago, I started getting a sore throat. I had been around other kids with colds and figured I had caught their cold. Sure enough, that sore throat quickly developed into some serious nasal congestion that my usual squirt of nasal spray did nothing to help. So I did what any self respecting cold sufferer does--I broadcast my woes on twitter and facebook. Now all you that think nothing good comes of social networking need to know that this move actually resulted in some good advice about medications that might help and a recommendation for specific tissues that have now become my favorites (if you must know--Puffs plus Lotion with Vicks.)
Then I got a fever! I was wasted for 24 hours until my fever broke. Fortunately, it happened to fall on the weekend when I am supposed to lay around watching TV (a.k.a General Conference.) Once the fever broke, the nasal congestion and cough persisted (still have a little of this.) After having these symptoms for over a week and hearing of MANY more in our neighborhood with Swine Flu, I decided to look up what the symptoms of Swine Flu were. I compared them to the symptoms I had and proceeded to check off EVERY SINGLE ONE.
I've tried to be cautious and wash my hands. I haven't gone many places to spread the germs. However, I am now just waiting for my kids to get it. I am not paranoid any more. I am thinking that even if they do get it--we will survive this global pandemic. And unless their symptoms are totally different than mine, it will be better than the sickness my family endured at Bear Lake last year. Though, considering the amount of tissue I used, US tissue manufacturers may want to increase their production--especially if their product includes lotion and Vicks. Hey H1N1 might even be good for the economy :)!
Since a picture is in order--here is the line up of medications that helped me survive what I have now diagnosed as Swine Flu!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday Inspiration (on Monday)
Meant to post this yesterday--but yesterday was a bit of chaos. So you get it today. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My Crazy Mind
This post has nothing to do with photography, but since I couldn't post without a picture, here is a photo of something that saved my life today.

You may think I am exaggerating. But I am not. I NEED a notebook. I really do. I can't function properly without one. I have been without one for several months and I CAN TELL! There have been little random pieces of paper flying around my computer desk with lists, thoughts, ideas, things I need to remember or do written haphazardly all over them.
I am certain that many of you who read this blog could list an innumerable amount of quirks that you associate with me. And some of you may even know of my need for a notebook. I have chalked up this need for a Staples (definitely prefer a store brand because the paper feels nicer--Mead notebooks have paper with a rough feel) 1-subject (just the right amount of pages--by the time I reach the end I am ready to whip out a nice fresh one, plus they are really cheap in July and August) wire bound (seems to work best) notebook to the fact that I have a crazy, frenzied mind. Without the use of a notebook, my mind goes in 30 thousand different directions all in one day. It might start with the kids and what needs to get done to get them to school, but from there it explodes like a spider web in all different directions.
Now, if any of you have this type of mind, you will know what kind of productivity results from a racing mind. For those of you who are not afflicted with this disease, I'll paraphrase--nothing. NOTHING! Without some place to make a list to focus my mind, or write down some of the thoughts and ideas that race around up there everyday, I am destined to EXTREME amounts of unproductiveness (Blogger says this isn't a word, but I think my made-up word gets my point across!) Over the years, I haven't found anything that works better. So, after a few months of dysfunction, today, I got a new notebook out of the closet, calmed my mind by writing some lists and ideas down on paper. So today I am thankful for this wonderful 70 sheet notebook that cost me just a few pennies.
You may think I am exaggerating. But I am not. I NEED a notebook. I really do. I can't function properly without one. I have been without one for several months and I CAN TELL! There have been little random pieces of paper flying around my computer desk with lists, thoughts, ideas, things I need to remember or do written haphazardly all over them.
I am certain that many of you who read this blog could list an innumerable amount of quirks that you associate with me. And some of you may even know of my need for a notebook. I have chalked up this need for a Staples (definitely prefer a store brand because the paper feels nicer--Mead notebooks have paper with a rough feel) 1-subject (just the right amount of pages--by the time I reach the end I am ready to whip out a nice fresh one, plus they are really cheap in July and August) wire bound (seems to work best) notebook to the fact that I have a crazy, frenzied mind. Without the use of a notebook, my mind goes in 30 thousand different directions all in one day. It might start with the kids and what needs to get done to get them to school, but from there it explodes like a spider web in all different directions.
Now, if any of you have this type of mind, you will know what kind of productivity results from a racing mind. For those of you who are not afflicted with this disease, I'll paraphrase--nothing. NOTHING! Without some place to make a list to focus my mind, or write down some of the thoughts and ideas that race around up there everyday, I am destined to EXTREME amounts of unproductiveness (Blogger says this isn't a word, but I think my made-up word gets my point across!) Over the years, I haven't found anything that works better. So, after a few months of dysfunction, today, I got a new notebook out of the closet, calmed my mind by writing some lists and ideas down on paper. So today I am thankful for this wonderful 70 sheet notebook that cost me just a few pennies.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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