I spent 5 minutes or less with my camera this morning trying to get some photos of my baby (and just so you know, he will be my baby for a while still!!) The minute I clicked the shutter and captured the first frame, he ran in my direction, saying (in his own language, of course,) "COOL, mom got out that fantastic black box that is covered in delightful amounts of my favorite things--BUTTONS!" Then, the next 3 minutes were spent showing him the photos on my LCD screen and letting him push a few buttons (don't panic, no camera's were harmed in the process of taking these photos.) Thankfully, my LCD screen "magically" turns off after several seconds of not being used. When I wouldn't turn it back on, he became disinterested and allowed me to take a few more.

However, the 5 minute or less photo shoot ended when he saw the refrigerator. He knows the refrigerator usually holds a wonderful selection of his favorite foods. Like any normal boy, he was hungry and desperate for food--RIGHT NOW! Thus the photo shoot ended.
Look for more of these "5 Minutes in the Life" photo shoots in the near future at a blog near you (okay--just my blog.)