This year, despite my best efforts to explain to my children that Santa will not bring a Wii System for Christmas--Santa brought a Wii system to our house for Christmas. The girls and my husband have really enjoyed it. I have actually snuck a few turns, too. After all, golfing, trampoline, race car driving, and boxing are actually kind of fun on a Wii. A couple of my brothers also bought Wii's for Christmas. My sister (always at the forefront of all the latest fads--after all, she was the one who finally convinced me that I shouldn't wear tapered-leg jeans anymore unless I wanted to appear WAAAY older than I was) and her family have had a Wii for a year now. When we visited them over Christmas break, they had a NEW Wii toy that provided HOURS of entertainment. Seriously, it was played, and played, and played some more--until the WEEEEEE hours of the morning (this is hearsay--I was not an active participant in this.) I had heard rumors of this toy from my children--namely my oldest daughter who has actually played it once. She even went so far as to suggest that perhaps we could get this game IF Santa did indeed bring a Wii to us for Christmas. My response was a quick, “No.” It is, after all, rated “T!” The game to which I refer, the game that caused all this excitement and unnecessary sleep deprevation, is Guitar Hero.

Actually, it wasn’t just any Guitar Hero. It was the Guitar Hero World Tour FULL BAND version. This meant that we had 2 guitars, 1 drummer, and the best part—someone on vocals! It was played by the children. It was played by the adults—even my dad took some turns on the guitar and drums. In case you are new to Guitar Hero, please know that this is a serious game. Just check out the serious expressions on all who played.

However, for SOME, it was a chance to live out their “Rock Star” dreams.

Anyone else think that the above image screams "The Price is Right" modeling career? I'm calling an agent tomorrow :)!!
My brother singing vocals to R.E.M’s “The One I Love.”

My sister's reaction to my brother's vocals.

It really is a fun game and I may someday have to eat my words—despite the “T” rating.
P.S. Please note that as I was taking some of these pictures I was literally weeping with laughter. More than once I actually wiped tears from my face as I snapped away. This is my excuse for any blurry images (that and I didn't have my REAL flash with me.) I did play a couple of times, but I think that my best role was taking pictures for posterity. After all, every great band has their paparazzi following, right? And in everyone’s defense, we had JUST come back from sledding when most of these pictures were taken. So please ignore the crazy hair, wet clothing, and ruddy (translated as un-makeuped) complexions.