I started out just wanting to post a few pictures from our Thanksgiving weekend up at my mom's. Little did I know that it would take SO many pictures to catch you up to date.
Thanksgiving Day:
My mom always sets a tremendous table. Lots of thought goes into what goes on the table. These pictures prove it, yet don't quite do it justice.
In the afternoon, we took some family pictures. The big one I will save in case it is going in Christmas Cards (don't want to spoil anything), but these are a few of my niece.
She was WAY more interested in playing soccer with the kids than getting her picture taken just like any normal 2 year old. We just managed to squeak these out.
The Day After Thanksgiving:
We left early in the morning (well, we did manage to squeeze in a few sales before we left) on our annual Christmas Tree Cutting Expedition. The following pictures are courtesy of my sister, Brooke (whose picture follows). My baby and I went to my brother and sister-in-laws to make lunch and cocoa for those returning from cutting trees.
(I am not sure who took this of her. She looks to dang cute to have been tromping through snow and ice for a Christmas Tree.)
Check out the size of that tree! It was HUGE. In case you don't believe me--keep scrolling.
It took 5 grown men much work to get this tree into my brother's house. One outside light suffered some damage in the process.
Maybe this helps you see how huge it was. The next few pictures are of my brothers new home/cabin that he has spent the last year building in Bear Lake. It is beautiful and has an amazing view.
The View!
The Loft.
The amazing windows. He did such great work on throughout the whole house.
Thanks for making it to the end of this post. I hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving, too.